Pancakes are definitely my number one breakfast choice. I love their soft texture, perfectly round shape, and numerous topping options they offer. But I must admit, matcha green tea pancakes are my absolute favorite combination. This easy recipe is completely dairy-free, vegan-friendly, and amazingly healthy.
I used all-purpose flour but it can easily be replaced with your favorite gluten-free substitution. I used my own, homemade applesauce instead of eggs, maple syrup, and some coconut butter that works better than coconut oil (or at least I believe so).
I had some almond milk left in my fridge but it can be replaced with soy or coconut milk (I prefer the second option better). Briefly whisk the ingredients together in a bowl or even a food processor and fry in a good non-stick pan. Drizzle with some chocolate or top with blueberries. Enjoy!
Nutrition information per serving: Kcal: 353, Protein: 6.8g, Total Carbs: 54.7g, Dietary Fibers: 2.4g, Total Fat: 11.4g
Coconut butter can sometimes be a little difficult to find that’s why I always keep a stash in my fridge. Place two cups of shredded coconut in a food processor and process until a smooth paste is formed.
Optionally, sprinkle with a few drops of vanilla extract or even add some sugar and transfer to glass jars with tight lids. Keep in the fridge and use in different dessert recipes.